Readiness Checklist

Readiness Checklist

Regardless of the reason why your on-Grounds teaching is interrupted, it’s always best to be prepared by taking a few simple steps ahead of time. We suggest you work through the steps below to ensure that you have access to and know how to use the technology you’ll need. 


Before an emergency

Once an emergency occurs:

  • Stay informed about University updates
  • Post an announcement in your LMS* course site and send an email notifying students of your plan for continuing teaching
  • Conduct synchronous classes using Zoom Online Meetings
  • Use tools in your LMS course site for asynchronous activities 
  • Convey to students any changes to assessments/grading caused by the teaching disruption in writing
  • Communicate regularly with students to help ease concerns and ensure they understand your expectations


*If your School uses a Learning Management System (LMS) other than UVACollab, contact your School-level support found under Getting Help.