Should I record locally or to the cloud?

There are pros and cons for both methods of recording.

Recording to the Cloud:
  • Pros: 
    • Requires less steps to share your video than local recording.
    • Your video goes into your Collab site (unless you use your Personal Zoom Meeting room), which makes them easier for students to access.
  • Cons:
    • Zoom cloud storage may be limited in the future, so you will most likely need to either delete older videos or move them to a new location (e.g., My Media in Collab).
Recording locally:
  • Pros:
    • Better for editing your video with third-party video editors (iMovie, Camtasia, Premiere Pro, etc.).
    • You can choose exactly where to upload your video (Media Gallery, Box, OneDrive, etc.).
  • Cons:
    • Video files can be very large and take up lots of space on your computer.
    • Sometimes files may be saved locally in a non-universal format that may not be playable on certain devices (may require you to reformat the video into a different file type).
    • Requires additional steps to share your video, especially if you are recording with Zoom.

If you decide to record your file locally, we recommend uploading it to Collab via Media Gallery to avoid taking up space in your Collab Resources and so that students do not have to download the video to view it.